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Enjoy the Beauty of a Healthy Smile


Rudy M. Wassenaar


Dr. Rudy Wassenaar graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1981. Soon after graduating he started practicing in Amsterdam while preparing for the National Dental Examining Board of Canada’s Board Examination. In 1987 this process was successfully completed after which he emigrated to Canada.

He started his private practice in Williams Lake, BC which offered him the rural lifestyle he looked forward to. From a professional perspective, he enjoyed the challenges and opportunities a rural practice offered, and soon he realized that he needed to master more advanced techniques and procedures to better serve his patients and become a leading dentist in Williams Lake, BC.

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Life time Achievement Award

Dr. Rudy Wassenaar recently won the Doctor-to-Doctor World's Top 100 - Class of 2025 Award, read more about it here.

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Welcome to Williams Lake Smiles

When you visit our office, your smile is our top priority. At the Williams Lake Smiles’ modern and comfortable dental clinic in Williams Lake BC, Dr. Rudy Wassenaar, leading dentist in Williams Lake BC, and his experienced team of oral health experts are dedicated to providing patients with the most advanced treatment options available.

Featured Services

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Cosmetic Dentistry

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Teeth in a Day

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Wisdom Teeth Extractions

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Bone Grafting

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Dental Implants


"Over the past eight years, you have replaced four of my teeth with implants. For me, the results have been excellent. I wish implant technology had been available thirty or forty years ago. Now that it is, I can unhesitatingly recommend it, even for one who is closer to eighty than seventy."

Before And After

Patients who seek dental treatments can look forward to gaining self-confidence and a sense of well-being from looking, feeling and functioning at their best.

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Dr. Rudy Wassenaar Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Rudy Wassenaar Lifetime Achievement Award

This lifetime achievement award is given to physicians who have made notable contributions to the […]

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Dr. Wassenaar on CFJC TV

Dr. Wassenaar was a guest recently on the CFJC TV noon news show with host […]

Williams Lake Dental Procedures

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic Dentistry Cosmetic dentistry is all about giving you the smile of your dreams. That’s […]

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Dr. Rudy Wassenaar has been invited to give a presentation on dental implants for the World Congress on Dental and Oral Health which will be held at Dubai.

News & Press

prp featured procedure

A gum graft (also known as a gingival graft or periodontal plastic surgery), is a collective name for surgical periodontal procedures that aim to cover an exposed tooth root surface with grafted oral tissue.

Featured Procedure

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