Protect Your Smile by Restoring Missing Teeth
When you lose a tooth, all that is left behind is the empty space where that tooth used to sit. We call these gaps “food traps”, on account of how common it is for debris left behind by your meals to end up stuck in these spots. It is important that you take extra care to clean out your food traps as left behind materials can attract bacteria. If this bacteria gets stuck in your food traps for long enough, it will cause an infection, which we refer to as “gum disease”. Some symptoms associated with gum disease include chronic bad breath, bleeding or swollen gums, pain while chewing, and gum recession.
Another problem that you might experience due to missing teeth is called “teeth drifting.” Our teeth work together to keep each other locked in place. But when you lose a tooth, it becomes possible for the surrounding teeth to begin moving or leaning into the empty spots left by your missing teeth. When this happens, these teeth tend to end up in positions that make them hard to keep clear of plaque. And, if you cannot properly clean your teeth, then you have the chance of developing tooth decay. Some symptoms of tooth decay include chronic bad breath, off-color spots on your teeth, and toothaches.
Fortunately, our office is capable of providing a variety of tooth restoration treatments that can prevent these issues from happening. Using treatments like dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants, we can restore your teeth while keeping your oral health safe from attack. For this reason, we urge patients with missing teeth to get the treatments they need instead of letting their condition progress further.
Call and Schedule a Consultation at Williams Lake Smiles
As you can see, it is very important that you do not put off treatment for your missing teeth. While it may seem like ignoring your missing teeth is a good way of saving yourself money, the fact is that your missing teeth are likely to end up costing you far more in the long run then what you would have spent had you restored your original missing tooth. If you would like to learn more about tooth restoration treatments with Dr. Rudy Wassenaar, then contact our office today.