Dental Implants
The most natural tooth replacement option. Dental implants will give you the highest level of function and most natural looking appearance.
Single Tooth Front Implant Before & After

Fixed & Removable Dentures
If your dentures bother you now, you’ll really hate them later. Before you experience bone loss from long term removable dentures, consider fixed dentures.

Crowns and Veneers
Decayed and broken teeth can put a real burden on your smile. See more crowns and veneers cases

Crowns cover before

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Orthodontic treatment is not only for appearance. Correcting your bite will also allow for easier cleaning, lessening your chances of tooth decay later in life

orthodontics after

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Combination Treatments
When your teeth need some serious revamping, Dr. Wassenar can provide a combination of treatments to restore your healthy, aesthetic smile.