Now that summer is just around the corner, the temperature is going to keep rising here in Williams Lake, BC. With that being said it’s important that all of us take the time to pay a little closer attention to our hydration in the face of this heat.
Why? Because a large portion of trips to the emergency room during the summer months can be attributed to dehydration. We hear about it each year – frequent and persistent headaches, lethargy throughout the day despite getting enough sleep, and even a few fainting spells. Most of the time the culprit for all of this can be traced back to dehydration.
But, what does all of this have to do with dentistry or Dr. Rudy Wassenaar? More than you might think, actually.
Proper hydration affects the amount of saliva your mouth is able to produce. When you are dehydrated your mouth can’t produce the amount of saliva necessary to naturally fend off decay-causing bacteria. With that in mind, it might be easier to see how being dehydrated too often can not only affect your bodily health but your oral health as well.
So, how do we prevent all of this? Most people turn to increasing the amount of clear fluids they drink on a daily basis. However, did you know that drinking copious amounts of water and other clear fluids are not the only ways to fend off dehydration during hot weather? You can snack your way to better hydration.
Snacks That Will Aid Your Daily Hydration
There are plenty of foods that are surprisingly hydrating. Soup, oatmeal, and yogurt are all great examples of items both edible and hydrating. However, not everyone wants to eat a steaming bowl of soup or oatmeal on a hot day and many people aren’t friendly with dairy.
Luckily, there is actually a plethora of foods that are naturally hydrating and require no preparation of heat to be so. We’re talking about fresh fruits and veggies here.
Many times, the majority of a fruit or vegetable’s composition is made up of water. This is a great thing if you are looking to increase your hydration via ingesting food.
So, which ones are the most hydrating? We have a short list right here for you;
Cucumbers – 96 percent water with the added bonus of being a great source of vitamin K, B6, and iron.
Strawberries – A whopping 92 percent water plus fiber and vitamin C.
Celery – Not just for people on diets. Celery is made up of an impressive 96 percent water. It also contains a healthy amount of essential minerals, potassium, and vitamin K.
Watermelon – 92 percent water. What makes watermelon especially hydrating is the fact that it contains naturally occurring electrolytes in the form of salt.
We hope the above facts have inspired you to go out and get yourself some edible hydration this summer.